About Me

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Jaipur, India
Though am not jobless ... still I can do things which only an unemployeed can do... the best example of it is this blog :)... keep rolling

Monday, July 4, 2011

Pata nahin kya

Raising doubts over my upbringing my values my morals my entire 24yrs of existence.
Wont say am angry, probably am tooo disappointed ... i fell like giving up... but then how can i... wat am i without them... but then i dont want be like this... I saw the worst version of myself today, in front of my parents. why do i have to fall down to a level from where i just cant rise... I hate myself for behaving like this... but then I am not sorry for what i did today... and the worst part is I have noone to share this with... because that will be unjust...
I feel helpless... I cant avoid this... neither can i live with this.
Running away from this will make me an escapist, which i dont want to be tagged as.
But am not able to find a solution to this. Its been 2 decades, am fighting... and its still on.